Creativity is regenerative
At the risk of sounding too esoteric , I am calling it. Creative energy is vital for motivation, work satisfaction and essential to the ongoing credibilty of western civilisation and #lifeonearth. After years and years of work where I only had tiny specks of this special gold — I am now immersed in creative practice for 70% of my work week, and let me tell you am I am buzzing!
You see, #creativeenergy is abundant, it is all around (just like love), we just need to know how to open to it, and when we do: it is right here — with us — all around — you and me — right now.
Unfortunately, stress (although some survival conditions humans are conducive to creativity), being in a fear state, anxiety and generally lacking presence by being stuck in your head, busy-ness are all blockers or dampeners of creative energy, practice and outcomes.
So it is no surprise creativity seems elusive. Very few work environments actually accomodate this well and nor does our society at large. Although credit where it is due some businesses/organisations try and many more pay lip service.
Yet our current global situation requires nothing less than a transformative vision that will spur us to upend the way we live and limit the consumption of finite resources on this, our one and only home, planet Earth. Our species has been set the ultimate creative and adaptive…